Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Wells Art Contemporary 2020 - shortlisted!

Midpoint II has been selected for the @wellsartcontemporary 2020 (virtual) exhibition launching this October. Congrats to all the artists who have been shortlisted.  Alex is looking forward to seeing/ sharing/ being a part of the line up.

Photo credit: Laurin Gutwin

#wellsartcontemporary2020 #wellscathedral #visualartsopencall #WACawards @parkerharris

August studies

Painted musings/ selected studies from Alex’s adapted kitchen corner. Watercolour and pencil on translucent paper/ Aquarell und Stift auf Transparentpapier, 17 x 12cm.  Image credits: Laurin Gutwin

Surface I  SOLD
Surface II

Surface IV
Surface VI